Solar panel maintenance is an essential part of protecting your investment and ensuring that your system is operating at peak efficiency. In addition, evidence of annual frequent maintenance may also be a requirement of your insurance company.

Solar panels are a significant financial investment, and by taking proactive steps to maintain them, you can make sure they last and continue to work as intended.

Solar panel maintenance can help you avoid costly repairs and extend the life of your system.

This often includes electrical system checks, inverter maintenance, PV safety checks, solar panel repairs, cleaning and more. This maintenance should be performed at least once a year, but more frequent maintenance can provide additional benefits.

Many common solar panel maintenance issues can be addressed quickly and easily with the right service package. This includes inverter problems, voltage issues, and temperature imbalances. Regular maintenance can help identify and address these issues before they become major problems.

solar farm maintenance

What is Solar Panel Maintenance?

Solar panel maintenance is an essential part of owning a solar energy system. It involves regular inspection, cleaning and servicing of your solar systems to ensure that each element running efficiently and safely.

Regular maintenance helps to minimise the potential for expensive repairs, ensuring that your system continues to provide reliable and consistent energy generation.

Solar panel maintenance generally includes a combination of preventative maintenance and periodic servicing.

  • Preventative maintenance helps to identify and address any potential problems before they become a more costly issue. This includes checking for loose wiring, inspecting your system for any signs of damage, and ensuring that all connections are secure.
  • Periodic servicing helps to optimize the performance of your system. This includes cleaning the panels, checking for any blockages that may be affecting your system’s efficiency, and performing system tuning to ensure that your system is running at its highest level of efficiency, and potentially cleaning the panels.

In some cases, additional components such as the inverters may need to be serviced or replaced to ensure that your system is running at its peak performance.

It is important to note that solar panel maintenance is not a one-time thing; it is an ongoing process that should be performed regularly in order to ensure that your system is running optimally and safely.

This includes checking for any signs of damage or wear, checking the wiring and connections, and ensuring that your system is being used in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.

It is also important to keep in mind that the frequency of solar panel maintenance will depend on the type of system being used. For example, a system that is exposed to extreme weather conditions or heavy debris may need to be serviced more frequently than a system that is in a more protected environment.

Additionally, systems that are located in remote areas or areas with limited access may require additional maintenance to ensure that they are running properly.

Overall, solar panel maintenance is essential for ensuring that your system is running optimally and safely. It is important to choose a qualified solar panel maintenance company that has the necessary experience and tools to provide quality service.

Additionally, it is important to keep in mind the cost of maintenance tends to be low compared to the loss of generation benefit. By performing regular maintenance and servicing, your system will be able to provide reliable, consistent energy generation for years to come.

Benefits of Regular Solar Panel Maintenance

Regular maintenance and servicing of solar systems can provide a variety of benefits that can save money in the long-run, improve the performance and efficiency of your system, and extend the life of your system.

Preventative maintenance is the best way to ensure a solar panel system functions as it should. This type of maintenance can help to identify small problems before they become major issues, and can help to identify components that are failing or need to be replaced.

This can help to save money in the long-run as repairs are made while your system is still functioning and before it fails completely.

Improved performance and efficiency are also benefits of regular solar panel maintenance. Cleaning and checking the solar panels and other components of your system will help to keep your system running efficiently.

This can help to increase the amount of energy produced and your system’s overall performance. Additionally, well-maintained panels can help to increase the amount of sunlight absorbed, thus improving the efficiency of your system.

Extending the life of a solar system is another benefit to regular solar panel maintenance. Taking care of your system can help to reduce the amount of wear and tear, and can help to prevent major failures and breakdowns.

Regular maintenance and servicing can help to identify any potential issues before they become major problems, and can help to ensure your system continues to function properly for years to come.

solar panels on a roof with hills in the background

Types of Solar Panel Maintenance

Solar panel maintenance is an important part of owning a solar panel system. Keeping your system clean and regularly checking it for any issues will help your system run more efficiently and extend its lifespan. There are several types of maintenance that should be done on a regular basis.

  • Cleaning: Cleaning the solar panel system is the first step in keeping it in good working order. Dirt and dust can build up on the panels over time, blocking sunlight and reducing your system’s efficiency. Cleaning the panels regularly will keep your system running at maximum efficiency. Cleaning can be done with a soft cloth and mild detergent or a specifically designed solar panel cleaning product.
  • System Checks: Regular system checks are the key to catching any potential problems before they become serious. During a system check, technicians will inspect your system for any faults or damage. They will also test your system for power output and performance. This will alert them to any issues that need to be addressed before they become serious problems.
  • System Tuning: System tuning is the process of adjusting the settings of your system to ensure optimal performance. This is done by adjusting the angle of the panels to ensure they are getting the best exposure to the sun. It also involves checking and adjusting the wiring to ensure your system is running efficiently. This process should be done periodically to ensure your system is running at its best.

These are the main types of solar panel maintenance that should be done on a regular basis. Taking the time to do regular maintenance on your system will help ensure it runs at peak efficiency for many years to come. Find out more about our commercial solar maintenance offering.

commercial solar servicing

What to Look for When Choosing a Solar Panel Maintenance Company

When it comes to maintaining a solar panel system, it is important to select a qualified and reputable company. Doing so will not only ensure your investment is protected but also provide you with peace of mind.

Here are some key points to consider when searching for the best solar panel maintenance company.

  • Qualifications of the Company: A reputable solar panel maintenance company should have extensive knowledge and experience in the industry. This includes understanding the complexities of your system, being able to identify and diagnose existing issues, and having the right qualifications to fix them.

Additionally, it is also important to check that the company is certified and insured. This will give you the assurance that they are qualified and that you are covered in the event that something goes wrong.

  • Necessary Equipment and Tools: A good solar panel maintenance company should have the right equipment and tools to perform the necessary maintenance. This includes tools to clean the panels, adjust your system, and conduct repairs.

It is also important to ensure that the company stays up to date with the latest tools and technology. This will ensure that they can properly service your system and keep it operating optimally.

  • Cost of Services: Cost is a key factor in selecting a solar panel maintenance company. However, the lowest cost may not always be best. You should always consider the qualifications and experience of the company when selecting the best option for your needs. A well-maintained and safely performing system will reap large financial benefits so the quality of your maintenance partner is paramount.

In addition to the cost of the services, you should also consider the frequency of the maintenance. This will help you determine if the cost of the maintenance plan is worth the long-term benefits.

Ultimately, choosing a solar panel maintenance company is an important decision. You want to select a company that is qualified and experienced, has the right tools and equipment, and offers a reasonable price. Doing so will ensure that your system is properly maintained and your investment is protected.

solar maintenance and servicing engineers

Common Solar Panel Maintenance Issues

When it comes to solar panel maintenance, the most common issues that can occur include inverter problems, voltage issues, and temperature imbalances. It’s important to be aware of what could go wrong so that you can be prepared to react accordingly.

  • Inverter Problems: The inverter is the heart of your solar power system and is responsible for converting the energy produced by the solar panels into usable electricity. If your inverter is not working properly, it can cause significant problems for your solar system. Common inverter problems include incorrect wiring, defective parts, and malfunctioning solar panels.
  • Voltage Issues: Voltage issues can occur when the voltage produced by the solar panels is too low or too high. Low voltage can be caused by solar panels that are not facing the sun correctly, or are blocked by debris or trees. High voltage can be caused by abnormally high temperatures or the use of too many solar panels.
  • Temperature Imbalances: Temperature imbalances can occur if the solar system is not in a well-ventilated area. This is because the hotter the temperature, the less efficient the solar system will be. Without proper ventilation, the air around the solar panels will become too hot, causing the panels to be less efficient.

Regular preventative maintenance is the best way to ensure your solar system is working optimally and that any potential issues are caught and addressed early. This will help to extend the life of your system and ensure you continue to enjoy the benefits of solar power.

solar panels on a roof facing south

Solar Panel Maintenance Checklist

To maximize the performance of your system, here are some of the key components that you should be monitoring.

  1. Safety Checks: When it comes to solar panel maintenance, safety is paramount. Make sure all of the electrical components are wired correctly and that there are no exposed wires or faulty connections that could cause a fire. Additionally, all of the connections should be grounded and your system should be checked regularly to make sure there are no shorts or loose connections.
  2. Clean Solar Panels: Cleaning the solar panels is essential to maximizing efficiency. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate on the solar panels, reducing the efficiency of your system. It is important to clean the panels regularly, preferably with a soft cloth and a mild detergent solution, to ensure that the solar cells are able to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight.
  3. Check Wiring and Fixtures: As part of regular maintenance, check all of the wiring and fixtures of your system to make sure they are secure and in good working condition. Look for any signs of discoloration or damaged wiring that could be a sign of a short circuit or other electrical issue.
  4. Inspect Inverter: The solar inverter is an important component of your system that converts the energy produced by the solar panels into usable electricity. It is important that the inverter is functioning correctly and not experiencing any issues. Regularly inspect the inverter to make sure it is not overheating or producing any strange noises.
  5. Monitor System: At regular intervals, it is important to monitor the performance of your system and look for any signs of decreased efficiency or output. If your system is not performing as expected, it could be a sign of an issue with the panels, wiring, or inverter that needs to be addressed. Learn more about our solar PV monitoring services.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your solar panel system is running efficiently and providing you with the maximum amount of energy. Regularly monitoring and servicing your solar panel system is the best way to protect your investment and maximize the benefits of solar energy.

commercial solar panel cleaning

Solar Panel Maintenance Cost

One of the most important considerations when it comes to the installation and maintenance of a solar panel system is the cost of maintenance. The cost of maintenance will depend on the size of your system, the number of solar panels, and the type of maintenance that is required.

The cost of maintenance will also vary depending on the location of your system, as some places may require additional services to ensure the solar panel system is running optimally.

Regular maintenance such as cleaning and system checks and potentially cleaning will help ensure your system is working properly and efficiently. More involved services such as system tuning and inverter checks may require additional costs.

Another factor that will affect the cost of solar panel maintenance is the location of your system. Areas with inclement weather, such as high winds and rain, may require additional services to ensure your system is working properly.


Maintaining your solar panel system is essential to ensure it runs efficiently and offers maximum energy production. By investing in regular maintenance and servicing, you can be sure that you are protecting your investment and making your system last longer. Regular maintenance and servicing of your solar panel system can provide a wide range of benefits, from reducing costly repairs and downtime, to improved performance and efficiency.

Overall, investing in regular solar panel maintenance and servicing is essential to ensure that you are getting the most out of your solar panel system. By taking the time to invest in regular maintenance and servicing, you can be sure that your solar panel system is performing optimally while protecting your investment in the long-term. It may also be a condition of your insurances.

It’s important to choose a reputable solar panel maintenance company when looking for a professional to perform maintenance on your system. Make sure to inquire about the company’s qualifications, their necessary equipment and tools, and the cost of services. Additionally, be aware of common solar panel maintenance issues including inverter problems, voltage issues, and temperature imbalances.