Reports from various energy sources have confirmed that solar PV was responsible for providing more electricity to the UK than coal from 1st July to 30th September this year. As part of the wider mix, the combined energy generation from low carbon sources was responsible for generating over half of the UK’s electricity demand in that quarter.
During this quarter, over 66 TWh of electricity was consumed by the UK with solar contributing to 5% of this generation and coal falling behind at 4%; it’s lowest ever contribution. In fact, for six consistent days in this quarter, the UK was generating electricity with zero contribution from coal – the first time this has happened for over 130 years!
Renewable energy sources from wind, solar and biomass collectively contributed 20% of the total supply; a huge accolade for the industry and additional incentive for more companies to consider installing their own PV system which can – depending on their own consumption – generate up to 100% of their total demand.
Although more Government support is needed to see clean energy generation dominating the National Grid’s supply on a regular basis, the above stats are very promising. In April this year, it was the first time that solar had outperformed coal on a single day, however, the Q3 stats are perhaps a sign that the reliance on coal is now subsiding as per the Government’s target of abolishing the fuel source by 2025.
Solar Outperforms Coal in Q3 2016
Industry News