Renewable energies are certainly at the forefront of several debates in the UK at the moment. From cuts to the Feed in Tariff to the introduction of the Green Deal Cashback Scheme, government support for the renewables industry may seem somewhat contradictory.

Fuel poverty has become an even more widespread issue of late, as five of the 'big six' energy providers have announced hikes to their tariffs and households are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. The average household energy bill now stands at over £1,300 and it has been estimated that around seven million homes in the UK are already in fuel poverty, with thousands more expected to join them this winter.

However, 44 social housing projects have now been awarded a share of £3.2 million to get renewable heating into the homes of over a thousand social housing tenants across Great Britain, highlighting the government's dedication to the delivery of renewable energies across the country.

There has certainly been a notable push towards the installation of renewables by community groups in recent months and this wave of funding reflects that.

Social housing associations and local authorities were able to bid for up to £156,000 in order to install kits such as solar hot water panels, biomass boilers and heat pumps in order to help make tenants' homes "warmer, cosier and much more energy efficient".

Funding comes under the third phase of the government’s Renewable Heat Premium Payment social landlord competition (RHPP) launched in August this year.

It has been estimated that one thousand social housing tenants will benefit from this initiative.

Andy Deacon, Director of Delivery at the Energy Saving Trust, said: "The renewable heating scheme is providing social housing providers with much needed financial support to install renewable heating in homes across the UK.

"The winners of the renewable heating scheme are really deserving and will ensure that thousands of homes are more energy efficient and warmer this winter. Energy Saving Trust wishes the winners every success in the future."