More and more people seem to be looking at energy-saving technology to help power their homes and cut energy bills, as the number of Green Deal assessments saw a stark increase in March.

Figures from the Department of Energy and Climate Change has revealed that since the Green Deal was introduced in January 2013, some 9,268 assessments have taken place.

A massive 7,465 of theses assessments were carried out in March this year, eclipsing the 1,729 that were carried out in the previous month.

In addition to the increase in assessments, the number of assessors and advisors in the UK have also seen a rise.

Some 108 Green Deal Assessor Organisations are now active in the UK, while only 77 of these were present in February. Furthermore, Green Deal Advisors almost doubled since February, with 1,003 now present in the UK in comparison to the 618 active in the previous month.

Greg Barker, minister for energy and climate change, said that although the Green Deal is still in its early days, the interest in the scheme so far has been "very encouraging" and noted that it is "gathering real momentum".

"The Green Deal gives people the opportunity to improve the efficiency of their homes, make them warmer and protect themselves from rising energy bills," he said.

An increase in assessors and installers were also met with approval from Mr Barker, as he observed that these create "fantastic new commercial opportunities".

People across the country are looking towards new ways in which to power their home for less, especially following the recent cold snap in the UK.

Reports continue to suggest that energy companies are making record profits, despite millions of people in the UK suffering from fuel poverty.

Therefore, people are exploring the ways in which to cut the cost of the energy bills, with installations such as solar panels and insulation being ways to achieve this. These measures can also be installed in a home or a business using funding from the Green Deal.