EvoEnergy has recently provided support to Rushcliffe Solar in their efforts promote and encourage an increase in the installation of Solar PV in the local Rushcliffe district. The project has been staffed by two Nottingham University undergraduates who will be identifying suitable houses for solar within the Rushcliffe District. They will then contact the householder by letter to let them know how much solar they could accommodate and how much it would roughly cost.
EvoEnergy have provided support and training for the project and is featured as a recomended MCS accredited installer. EvoEnergy provided an initial technical briefing to the students, highlighted what to look for in a suitable roof and have been on hand to take questions from the students
To help promote this initiative and give people more information about Solar Photovoltaics, EvoEnergy will be carrying out a number of open days throughout August and September.
To find out more information on the Rushcliffe Solar Campaign please visit: http://rushcliffesolar.blogspot.co.uk/
To attend one of EvoEnergy’s open days please email info@evoenergy.co.uk for further details.
EvoEnergy has recently provided support to Rushcliffe Solar in their efforts promote and encourage an increase in the installation of Solar PV in the local Rushcliffe district. The project has been staffed by two Nottingham University undergraduates who will be identifying suitable houses for solar within the Rushcliffe District. They will then contact the householder by letter to let them know how much solar they could accommodate and how much it would roughly cost.
EvoEnergy have provided support and training for the project and is featured as a recomended MCS accredited installer. EvoEnergy provided an initial technical briefing to the students, highlighted what to look for in a suitable roof and have been on hand to take questions from the students
To help promote this initiative and give people more information about Solar Photovoltaics, EvoEnergy will be carrying out a number of open days throughout August and September.
To find out more information on the Rushcliffe Solar Campaign please visit: http://rushcliffesolar.blogspot.co.uk/
To attend one of EvoEnergy’s open days please email info@evoenergy.co.uk for further details.
EvoEnergy Supports Local Solar PV Initiative
EvoEnergy News