Climate change targets are set to suffer as a result of five of the ‘big six’ energy companies deciding to axe their green tariffs for customers, The Guardian reports.
Only one company is providing a 100 per cent renewably sourced tariff to their customers, with npower, EDF, E.ON, SSE and Scottish Power leaving behind these options.
Now, customers looking to support energy efficiency in the UK have had their choice cut significantly.
However, this shouldn’t stop consumers from pursuing greener, renewable energy to power and heat their homes.
Technology such as solar panels, double glazing, LED lighting, insulation and energy efficient boilers could all be installed on, or within, a property to help reduce carbon emissions and cut down on energy bills in the process.
For those looking to do so who are worried about up-front costs, the Green Deal could be really beneficial.
Despite getting off to a slow start, the government’s flagship energy policy is starting to pick-up a head of steam, with more assessments and deals being struck during the month of June.
The scheme will see energy-efficient technology installed on a property with funding provided by installers through a government grant. The loan will be attached to the property and not the homeowner and will be paid off using the savings made on energy bills.
Furthermore, despite the rates of return recently changing, UK homeowners can still benefit from income generated through the feed-in tariff. The energy created by technology such as solar panels will help to power a home, but excess power could be fed back into the National Grid to earn the homeowner a profit.
Both the Green Deal and the feed-in tariff can also be accessed simultaneously, providing a double benefit for the green-minded householder.
Energy companies axe green tariffs
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