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We offer a full range of services to help your business save money, reduce emissions, and secure a reliable source of future energy generation.



I n t r o d u c t i o n



We offer a complete turnkey solution for a wide range of renewable energy projects, assisting you with every step of the process. From consultancy and initial design through to installation and aftercare, we’ve got you covered with our end-to-end renewable energy services.

Renewable Energy Services





As the market leaders in renewable energy technology, our team of experts are in the best position to help you make your project a success by providing tailored renewable energy consultancy

The renewable energy market is a highly technical industry – identifying the best strategy to design and implement your initial project idea can be tricky. Since EvoEnergy formed over a decade ago, we’ve worked on many different types of projects. Our consultants can use their experience and expertise to find the right solution at the right price for you.

E x p l o r e   C o n s u l t a n c y E x p l o r e   C o n s u l t a n c y



We understand that a system needs to be custom designed to suit your specific business needs. That’s why we take the time to get to know our customers – it’s part of the journey.

Whether the project involves multiple technologies or just solar PV alone, we design your system to suit your business needs. Through the use of desktop and financial feasibility studies, we’re able to dig deep and get a real understanding of your requirements. The result? The right system for you.

E x p l o r e   D e v e l o p E x p l o r e   D e v e l o p



Taking initial ideas and turning them into practical designs can be difficult. Our specialist design engineers have the skills and knowledge to make a formulated proposal.

Getting the design right is crucial for a project to be a success. That’s why we offer first-class energy technology design services to our clients, helping them in areas such as grid connection applications, site surveys, and technical specification collation.

E x p l o r e   D e s i g n E x p l o r e   D e s i g n
constructing solar panel system



We have a proven track record of installing a wide variety of projects on behalf of our clients. Always diligent, our construction team completes projects in a timely manner and with minimal disruption.

Project construction doesn’t have to disturb your site’s operations and processes. Our team of highly skilled renewable energy engineers are able to complete construction work effectively without affecting your workflow (all whilst sticking to the project schedule).

E x p l o r e   C o n s t r u c t E x p l o r e   C o n s t r u c t



Our proactive engineers provide expert monitoring and benchmarking analytics once your project is completed, so you can have peace of mind that your system will perform as expected.

Able to deploy a team of experts to any site in the UK at short notice, our huge reach gives you the assurance that your renewable energy technology will continue to achieve results long after the delivery of your project – should any issues arise, our proactive engineers will be there on-site before you’re even aware of any system performance drops!

E x p l o r e   M o n i t o r i n g E x p l o r e   M o n i t o r i n g
Solar photovoltaic (PV) maintenance engineer



We never say goodbye once a project is installed. We’re always there to maintain your system’s performance, ensuring that you continue to see the best possible returns over its lifetime.

As the leading renewable energy service partner for lots of UK organisations, companies nationwide come to us for system maintenance and ad-hoc repairs. Whether it’s just a one-off request or an annual service visit, we can apply our expertise and make sure that your system continues to reach its maximum output.

E x p l o r e   M a i n t e n a n c e E x p l o r e   M a i n t e n a n c e

C o n t a c t   u s

Get in touch

Are you interested in finding out more about renewable energy technology could do for your business? Contact us today to talk to an expert.